The BEST "I HATE WAYALIFE" YouTube Video Comments

I disagree. I can only go off of what I personally have seen but from my perspective, the intolerance has all been one sided.

I’ve seen intolerance from both sides...even amongst my family and friends...and it bothers me. It wasn’t that long ago we all had various differences of opinion that didn’t result in the toxic environment that we now endure...the current state of affairs has truly brought out the worst in many of us...

I wonder if you had a Hillary banner in your garage instead, do you think you would have any less idiotic comments on your videos?
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I’ve seen intolerance from both sides...even amongst my family and friends...and it bothers me.

Well, I can't say that I have but clearly, we all have our own experiences. Can't say that I'd want to be friends with or associate with people like that. That being said, perhaps you should be more specific and share a RECENT personal experience of what you're describing.

It wasn’t that long ago we all had various differences of opinion that didn’t result in the toxic environment that we now endure...the current state of affairs has truly brought out the worst in many of us...

You and I just talked about this the other night and I totally agree that things used to be very different but where I still disagree is in the "us" part. Again, I can only go off of my own personal experiences and recently, the worst I have been seeing has all been coming from one side.

I wonder if you had a Hillary banner in your garage instead, do you think you would have any less idiotic comments on your videos?

You can wonder that but for the purposes of this discussion, I am choosing to stick to what I have personally seen and not venture into hypotheticals. NOBODY I personally know, friend or family has ever, nor would ever engage in this kind of simple minded intolerance and hate. Hell, MOST are too afraid to say anything at all.
I wonder if you had a Hillary banner in your garage instead, do you think you would have any less idiotic comments on your videos?

Yes. IMO the left provokes attacks away possible and will attack on any platform, example a simple flag in the background of a video triggered someone to go out of there way to show their hate against the President. I personally could care less if he had a Harris/Biden flag flying in the background. I know that myself or any other conservative I know would not post a stupid comment about it and just carry on like normal people should.
Do you guys really not see intolerance from both sides? If I were to post a pro BLM message here how much hate and intolerance would there be? People at the first NFL game of the season literally boo’d a moment of silence in support of racial equality.

I’m certainly not supporting any of the asshats showing you intolerance for your opinions, but it isn’t one sided.

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Do you guys really not see intolerance from both sides? If I were to post a pro BLM message here how much hate and intolerance would there be? People at the first NFL game of the season literally boo’d a moment of silence in support of racial equality.

I’m certainly not supporting any of the asshats showing you intolerance for your opinions, but it isn’t one sided.

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Honestly, if the BLM movement really had anything to do with black lives, that'd be one thing. But instead it's focused on division, white guilt, hate toward law enforcement, and when cities are set on fire, it's referred to as 'peaceful.' I for one can't even watch professional sports now because of all the propaganda. I don't think any of it has to do with 'racial equality.'

Now Martin Luther King my opinion, that was a real BLM movement, and at a time where racism was a majority problem. I know there are racist people out there and I know there are bad cops out there, but it certainly isn't the majority in today's world.

These are just my intolerant opinions of course �� .
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Honestly, if the BLM movement really had anything to do with black lives, that'd be one thing. But instead it's focused on division, white guilt, hate toward law enforcement, and when cities are set on fire, it's referred to as 'peaceful.' I for one can't even watch professional sports now because of all the propaganda. I don't think any of it has to do with 'racial equality.'

Now Martin Luther King my opinion, that was a real BLM movement, and at a time where racism was a majority problem. I know there are racist people out there and I know there are bad cops out there, but it certainly isn't the majority in today's world.

These are just my intolerant opinions of course �� .

Yup. Exactly.
Honestly, if the BLM movement really had anything to do with black lives, that'd be one thing. But instead it's focused on division, white guilt, hate toward law enforcement, and when cities are set on fire, it's referred to as 'peaceful.' I for one can't even watch professional sports now because of all the propaganda. I don't think any of it has to do with 'racial equality.'

Now Martin Luther King my opinion, that was a real BLM movement, and at a time where racism was a majority problem. I know there are racist people out there and I know there are bad cops out there, but it certainly isn't the majority in today's world.

These are just my intolerant opinions of course �� .

My point wasn’t really about the validity of BLM. I do appreciate your opinion and thank you for understanding that while you can form a well reasoned point that it doesn’t prove that other people are not intolerant on both sides.

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My point wasn’t really about the validity of BLM. I do appreciate your opinion and thank you for understanding that while you can form a well reasoned point that it doesn’t prove that other people are not intolerant on both sides.

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I think all humans are capable of intolerance and hypocrisy. With that being said, I see WAY more of it on the left than the right. I was raised conservative but grew up in an area amongst liberals. Back then, no one really seemed to care if people disagreed. But now, I really do see the left being much less tolerant than the right, but that's just me. And honestly, it's a general statement and I realized each individual may differ from the party itself. Anyone in this country who truly sides with the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, that tends to be what I tolerate.
Do you guys really not see intolerance from both sides

At the risk of sounding narcistic, this is a thread about people who "hate" on ME on my YouTube channel. Now, unless you're suggesting that I am or have ever been intolerant of others, there really is only ONE SIDE doing all the hating and because of a sign I just happen to have hanging in my garage.

If I were to post a pro BLM message here how much hate and intolerance would there be?

People like Brute, JAGS, dan.lau and others have all made posts on this forum that I couldn't have disagreed with more. Some were in regards to the china virus, some were made in regards to racism and yet, we still have remained friends and have even got out to dinner just last week. That isn't just tolerance, it's RESPECT for each other. So, unless you can show me proof of otherwise, your hypothetical question means a whole lot of nothing.

People at the first NFL game of the season literally boo’d a moment of silence in support of racial equality.

As in, they paid to go to the game and expressed their opinion. To me, this is a far cry from people marching down neighborhoods late at night, telling people to take down their AMERICAN flags or else they'll come back and burn their house down or getting in peoples faces demanding they kneel or raise their hand in a BLM fist or be hurt. This is to say nothing about the destruction of property, the burning of buildings or the tearing down of national monuments. Sorry, you'll get no sympathy from me over people "booing". :naw:

I’m certainly not supporting any of the asshats showing you intolerance for your opinions, but it isn’t one sided.

And I would disagree. From MY perspective, all the hate I've been getting has been one sided and all just because of a sign I just happen to have hanging on my garage wall. The day you see me trying to cancel someone just for trying to share their political opinion, passive or otherwise, let me know and we can have this conversation again.
I think all humans are capable of intolerance and hypocrisy. With that being said, I see WAY more of it on the left than the right. I was raised conservative but grew up in an area amongst liberals. Back then, no one really seemed to care if people disagreed. But now, I really do see the left being much less tolerant than the right, but that's just me. And honestly, it's a general statement and I realized each individual may differ from the party itself. Anyone in this country who truly sides with the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, that tends to be what I tolerate.

Growing up and well into adulthood, pretty much ALL my friends have been liberals. Hell, my own mom was a bleeding heart to the bitter end. I wouldn't even call myself a "conservative" but my opinion have always been a bit different from the rest and for that, all my friends used to make fun of me for it. It was all in good fun though and it never bothered me. Never in my life did I ever expect to experience the kind of hate, the kind of cancel culture that I personally have been seeing the last few years and all because of a sign that just happens to be hanging on the wall of my garage. I can't imagine what would happen to me if I actually SAID something about it.
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