The BEST "I HATE WAYALIFE" YouTube Video Comments

:cheesy: I suppose this is technically a FB hater post but, being that it was in regards to the new YouTube video we posted up showing off Moby's passing power, I thought this would be the best place to post up Doug Shoemaker's love for us.

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Here's the bright side- If you did change the first word to "Gay" then his post starts off with "Gay here" so maybe he's just trying to come out to us :)
LOL!! Don't have a clue as to who this prodezignz is and don't have a care as to what his v8 sounds like but apparently, he felt the need to let us know how much better his is than ours on our Passing Power video clip. :crazyeyes:

LOL!! Don't have a clue as to who this prodezignz is and don't have a care as to what his v8 sounds like but apparently, he felt the need to let us know how much better his is than ours on our Passing Power video clip. :crazyeyes:
I dont even understand WTF he is talking about lol. What a tool bag...
I watched two more of his videos. Nothing impressive. But based on his post to you, he must have some badass speakers in his rig!
LOL!! Don't have a clue as to who this prodezignz is and don't have a care as to what his v8 sounds like but apparently, he felt the need to let us know how much better his is than ours on our Passing Power video clip. :crazyeyes:

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Does he mean "Where is the bass?" What a douche! Seriously, people with less than a 3rd grade education should not be allowed to troll.
Eddie, I am impressed with your patients. Your videos and notes help me and others to learn or better understand in most cases Jeeps. Sharing your, and a lot of guys on this forums experience and knowledge is extremely valuable! I am new here and it already saved me money, helped my wrenching, etc. Your videos happen to also be entertaining and well done too. The "haters" do everything they do to puff their egos, or something for themselves.
It reminds me of the statement "arguing with idiots"
LOL!! Okay, I knew we'd be getting some hate after posting up our Renegade video clip and here are some from a guy who goes by the name "mad art"




And here are a couple from his buddy "maladjusted" of all things.



I guess owning a Renegade and having a pony tail means you can't be a Jeeper anymore. :grayno:
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