The BEST "I HATE WAYALIFE" YouTube Video Comments

Here's one that I got from a Daniel Brix. Apparently, we don't know anything about offroading.

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I am so rapidly losing any tolerance for social media anymore - frankly it all makes me want to gag. There are so many goddam assholes that add absolutely nothing to anything that think
their opinions actually matter. Why is it so hard for these dipshits to just ignore what you don't like and move on to things that you do without commenting?
LOL - just got this gem from a 38Snubby and I must say, he did a great job of convincing me to rethink the decisions I've made through the use of intelligent conversation and compelling facts. :crazyeyes:

LOL - just got this gem from a 38Snubby and I must say, he did a great job of convincing me to rethink the decisions I've made through the use of intelligent conversation and compelling facts. :crazyeyes:

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Fuckwit? Not once but twice? Damn you must have made one hell of an impression. I’ll send a sack of assholes his way for winning the award of “dumbest shit said on the internet today” contest
If there's one thing I really hate, it's self-righteous hypocrites. I just got the following from an absolute1 and this fucktard actually has the nerve to chastise us for running his PUBLIC trails because we weren't "treading lightly". Of course, when you go to his YouTube channel, he's shows videos of rigs digging holes on DRY terrain and in mud holes. :naw:

I didn’t see you guys tearing anything up. I saw tire spin on rocks.

That's all I saw. What's funny is that literally everyone and their mother from the area have all been telling me about how that's how it's done up there. They're PROUD of the fact that it's tough shit and in their minds, what makes it harder than anything we have out west. For this guy to come on all high and mighty about "treading lightly" and how we're the reason why their trails get closed is just stupid.
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