TEASER VIDEO : HEART & SOUL - A Moab Jeep Vacation


Staff member
For the first time in almost 10 years, the engineers over at Jeep renewed a long standing tradition of taking a week off of work during the Month of May and spend it out in Moab! This was a chance for them to take out their own personal Jeeps, most of which are completely stock or close to it and wheel them off the clock, with family and good friends. Wheeling is after all, in their blood and I suppose it should be of no surprise that for the heart and soul of Jeep, making the vehicles we love to drive, is more than just a job. As luck would have it, Cindy and I were invited to join them on their vacation and in this short teaser video, you'll get to see some of the fun we had. We hope you enjoy it and will be back to see the full feature length film once it's released.

Very much looking forward to this. Of course, I've loved all the Wayalife videos, they are so much fun!
VIDEO : HEART & SOUL - A Moab Jeep Vacation [Teaser Trailer]

What a great teaser video. Jim Repp really isn't afraid to make that sweet CJ work for him, is he!

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Crap. It ended.
Well, at least I've got time now to go get popcorn before the full-length feature comes out. Looks to be a 5-star event!

My guesstimate, 2-part feature. 1 being 27 minutes, the other 23.

This is deff worthy of being a 2 or 3 part series!!! For the first video tho I'm going with 19:28
I'm saying 2 parts. 1st part 23:14 2nd part 18:43 Totaling: 41:57. Looks like a great time and I can't wait to watch it.
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