Tds 2013


New member
I thought I would post this here as it is already posted on JKF..

TDS March 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Campsite will be on Holly rd 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile south of S22, on the west side of the road across from the toliet vaults.

A few of us will be heading out thursday to secure the campsite, if your interested please post either here or on JKF, so we can rope enough space off.
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I'll be there with a group. We'll be camped about a half mile past where Holly Road turns right at the dumpsters. I'll also be out Thursday morning. I'll try and stop by and say hi.
I will be there also. In paying registration tomarrow. I will be staying with a different group, but will keep an eye out for wayalife members. See you all soon!
Ill be in Ohio visiting family, can't wait to get back to SoCal and hit some trails!

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i will be there, but we camp next to the wash off of holly rd....My dad will be there mid day thursday with the Fifth wheel and then my gecko green jeep and my dads TJ will be there later in the evening on Thursday...
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