Sway bar disconnect


New member
Was wondering if yall know of any low budget sway bar disconnects that will work on the '13 JKU sport S and how is installation? 1-10?
What your looking for is a quick disconnect. Look up JKS quick disconnects and get the ones that fit your lift. They will run about $150 but are worth it as they are quicker and you can grease them.
Thanks but I'm not a noob to turnin wrenches but on jeeps yes.. I was told the sport S doesn't have a disconnect

What he meant to say was the sport has no automatic disconnects; as in what comes on the Rubicon. Everything can be disconnected... It all varies on how much you wish to spend. The way your Jeep sits now the cheapest way to go is two wrenches and a hand full of zip ties. Disconnect with wrenches and zip tie the dog bone up out of the way, put the bolts in your cup holder till finished wheeling then reinstall.

Below are some options. Not JK's but the sway bar is about the same in these models

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