Survival Gear


New member
Just curios what everybody brings when they are on the trail, whether it be for a day or for several nights.
So Far I bring the following:
-Sun Screen
-Tow Rope
-First Aid Kit

Will be adding a ton to the list just incase I get stranded out there.
Planing going alone ? And what kind of trip?

Spare parts, oils, gas, tools. A winch would be mostly essential depending of the terrain you'll be in.
Planing going alone ? And what kind of trip?

Spare parts, oils, gas, tools. A winch would be mostly essential depending of the terrain you'll be in.

No more just curios. I would think it would be a good idea to also have fire starting materials and water purification. Just wanted to see what other people loaded up with.
A bottle of bleach (purify water.)
Water purification tablets
UV water purifier
Bottled water, but NEVER rely on that as being your water source. Be prepared to run out.
Hopefully you were smart enough to tell someone your intended route and when you are going to return.
Massive calorie protein bars
Baby wipes
A few knives
A hatchet
A first aid kit
Antibiotic cream
Pain killers
A bunch of lighters and a flint stick
Tow strap
Tree saver x2
6 D rings
Spare fuses.
On Board Air
8 gallons of extra gas
100 hour candle
Emergency blankets (10 pack)
Fire extinguisher

A lot depends on where Im going to be and what time of year.

Lots of other things like tools, etc, but those are the basics.
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I prefer a firesteel with some cotton balls dipped in petroleum jelly or steel wool instead of matches or a lighter. has some really nice ones. I have their deluxe armageddon firesteel tube, and a couple smaller key ring ones, and they work in all weather, Even wet. The deluxe one has a compartment for a couple cotton balls and a compass, plus 550 paracord wrapped around it.
A bottle of bleach (purify water.)
Water purification tablets
UV water purifier
Bottled water, but NEVER rely on that as being your water source. Be prepared to run out.
Hopefully you were smart enough to tell someone your intended route and when you are going to return.
Massive calorie protein bars
Baby wipes
A few knives
A hatchet
A first aid kit
Antibiotic cream
Pain killers
A bunch of lighters and a flint stick
Tow strap
Tree saver x2
6 D rings
Spare fuses.
On Board Air
8 gallons of extra gas
100 hour candle
Emergency blankets (10 pack)
Fire extinguisher

A lot depends on where Im going to be and what time of year.

Lots of other things like tools, etc, but those are the basics.

Way to go! I never thought about fuses that's a good idea.
On the water topic. Aev's rear bumper actually has a 5 gallon tank for water. Or if you want to be a little cheaper theres a guy who used the stock jk bumper to store water, I'll have to look it up later.
On the water topic. Aev's rear bumper actually has a 5 gallon tank for water. Or if you want to be a little cheaper theres a guy who used the stock jk bumper to store water, I'll have to look it up later.

Good point, and it is a good design, however it is good practice to NEVER rely on the water you have to last. It's always best to assume the worst, and have a backup plan. Bleach is my plan C. In case of dire emergency, you can add a little bit to a bottle filled with questionable water, shake it up, wait a few minutes, and you're good to go. It might taste like crap (dirt+bleach) but it will keep you alive. It is also low tech, and low tech things make for EXCELLENT plan C's.

Plan Bs I like high tech, and this is an excellent device...

Reasonable cost, and easy to use.

Plan A would be a cocktail at the Four Seasons. ;)
In addition to all mentioned I would bring a backpack with smaller versions of most mentioned. As survival is a hobbies of mine I never leave home without a pack loaded with these essential items.
Warm clothes -lite weight socks, underwear, sweater, and hat
Purifying water straw- there are a few cheap effective ones out there
Backpackers stove and fuel
Map of the area
compass- learn to use it first before needing it for you life
Strong hiking shoes

As mentioned previously
Two ways to make fire
Cliff or power bars
A very sturdy belt knife
Fishing kit
First aid
Emergency blanket
A flask of vodka- for sterilization and moral boosting
Flashlite and headlamp with spare batteries

You never know if you might have to walk out so that would be a basic list of minimum stuff I always have on me. Of course a 22 rifle and other items would lead to more comfort but that all depends on how far you need to walk and how many days you are from civilization.
PS- Don't forget to bring your cell phone charger and charge your phone before you walk out. Never know where you will get a signal.
Okay, so we've packed all this stuff into our where do we sit!!! Not sure there'd be any room left...ha!

Big Rick
Go Chargers
I can pack enough to last a couple weeks in about 3 8 gallon action packers. Some of you guys need to organize things better. Lol
For water on desert trips, a 1.75 gal Rotpax container fits nicely behind each front seat on the floor (JK with rear seat out). Two Rotopax's for emergencies, and the rest in the cooler.

Items didn't see listed yet: Tire repair kit, and a rental satellite phone if your in an isolated area.

Sat phone rental is about $8/day. I've rented for two trips. Never actually had emergency needs -- no regrets.

I always have in my Jeep:

First aid back pack
3 gallons of water
sleeping bag
recovery gear
Hiking boots
power bars
jetboil with food packs
magnesium fire starter

and a few others.

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