Looks like a fun couple days of exploring. Based on Adams shorts I am guessing it was pretty warm out there too?
Awesome pics!! I've never been to the base before. Where about is that?
Northwest of the mud pots. Up the 86 past the border checkpoint.
Very cool! How'd you find out about it?
I've known about it for a while now maybe 8 months or so but never had a chance to see it until now. I was searching for like lost and abandoned stuff in imperial county and came across it. I have some more pictures of the runway/dock that is mostly underwater now but they are on my camera. Most of the stuff around there is pretty beat up from the salt but still cool. And it's hard to find the roads because of all the sand that has blown around. But still a cool spot.
Superstition Mountain was fun indeed. Especially those damned sand hills. :cheesy: I may upload video of ttfhell's decent down this hill with Overlander kicking his rear tire off the rock. :rock: fun times wish I coulda stayed and run the 2nd day with you guys.
Kicking his bumper actually worked a little bit.
Where did you see me in any of the pics? :thinking: you mean Russ?