SuperChips FlashCal


-- SOLD to Noroad --

Putting up my FlashCal that was used for about 3-4 weeks. This is a great unit/programmer as the settings and features are awesome. These go anywhere from $140-$160.

Looking to get $115 shipped.

Why selling: I'm a MAC guy and the unit requires a PC for updates. My recent battery issues caused me to reset my settings and my new work laptop has security blocking reading the programmer via USB. Thus no way to refresh the programming software. :grayno: I'm sure I can call superchips and get it resolved, but then still have the ongoing PC updates issue in the future.

- Jason
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I am the same way, with the mac stuff that is. Went with the trail dash anyways. It's a pain in the ass to update all the time on my brothers comp. GLWS.
I'm not sure if you guys that have Macs know this or not, but you can run windows on your Mac machines. I'm a Mac guy too and I have a few programs that only run on Windows so I just run Parallels. Works great :thumb:
I'm not sure if you guys that have Macs know this or not, but you can run windows on your Mac machines. I'm a Mac guy too and I have a few programs that only run on Windows so I just run Parallels. Works great :thumb:

Good point, but I'm not too familiar with parallels/VMWare, etc. I actually have the software to run windows on my Mac ....but why would I want to. Lol. 😉😂

- Jason
Good point, but I'm not too familiar with parallels/VMWare, etc. I actually have the software to run windows on my Mac ....but why would I want to. Lol. 😉😂

- Jason


I know... My soul dies a little everyte I have to use it.😂

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