Stuck in Drive


New member
The last two mornings my wife's 2013 jku has been getting stuck in drive. It would not shift to neutral. I'm not seeing any codes and have not been able to duplicate the problem making troubleshooting extremely difficult. Has anyone else had this problem and if so what did you do to fix it?
Look underneath making sure all shifting linkage is hooked up properly and not bent/binding.
Are you moving the shifter to neutral, and it indicates drive still on the dash or are you moving it and it indicates neutral but is still trying to move you forward because it is in drive, or will the shifter itself physically not move to neutral?

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Heres a thought, and just a thought. Is she parking in neutral with the engine on and trying to move it to Park without the brake pedal depressed? Only a thought, because that is the only thing that makes sense right now. There should be nonlinkage bunding that would prevent you from moving it from drive to neutral even without pressing the thumb button.
Good luck.

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get in the jeep with your wife, take a drive and watch what she does when she parks--- operator issue?
Are you sure she’s pressing the brake? I’ve seen people get out at gas stations fill the car then freak out that it won’t shift into drive because in the last 5 minutes they’ve forgotten you have to press the brake.

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