Stretch Those Legs....

Alright everyone, summer is pretty much here (in SoCal at least) but anyways lets get out and stretch your Jeeps legs after a long winter. So everyone from "Stock to "Rock" lets see 'em, and while we are at it, let's be creative. Lets do this on something OTHER than rocks. If that is all you can find then use rocks but let's try to stretch out on something a little different.
I will start with a very steep hillside.

nice Rocky!!
BTW I forgot to mention, lets make them current photos, or at least as current as possible, i am always photoing my JK so i can only imagine y'all are doing the same

Lol my fault well one of em was current :thumbup:
Here is mine from about a week ago.. The only new addition is a stinger and winch so the "stretch" is the same :) Summer has begun in Texas too!!ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1367982923.201766.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1367982951.244769.jpg
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