Stock Sport Wheels & SRA tires $350


Caught the Bug
Hello all. I'm new here but I've been lurking for a long time. I don't post often but I am very fond of the videos. I have no intention to be apart of the forums, runs, or great friendships that this forum offers. I'm just here to sell my stuff. I wanna give a great deal to fellow Jeepers and I won't have any respect for anything you guys tell me or the owner and creators rules. These are great tires. If you air them down to 46 PSI, you can literally climb the boulders at the Rubicon. They will also add at least 200hp.


Seriously though, I just want these out of my garage. I'm sure they aren't worth much to my fellow Wayalifers, but some of you don't wanna pay full price for stock tires if that's what you are running and need to replace. Anyone with $350 bucks gets em. If not I'll just continue to use them as paperweights. :)
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Hello all. I'm new here but I've been lurking for a long time. I don't post often but I am very fond of the videos. I have no intention to be apart of the forums, runs, or great friendships that this forum offers. I'm just here to sell my stuff. I wanna give a great deal to fellow Jeepers and I won't have any respect for anything you guys tell me or the owner and creators rules. These are great tires. If you air them down to 46 PSI, you can literally climb the boulders at the Rubicon. They will also add at least 200hp.


Seriously???? Get out of here with this crap. Didn't you read the rules. Damn newbs.

How dare you guys not welcome me with open arms? I expected the red carpet roll out just so I could use this privately owned forums to sell my crap. Rude!

I forgot that it was all about you. :cheesy:

Truthfully I got all 5 of my Jk wheels/tires for $280. They had been posted for less than a half day and the guy told me he had 12 people that had already said they were committed. It was like 10pm. I told him I would be there first thing in the morning with cash and ended up getting them. You should have no issues selling them.
These were actually just sold locally. :)

Really sad I didn't get my own thread, or Frank or Adam didn't chime in. But atleast I got a little heat from WJCO ;)
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