Steering Stabilizer and tie rod


New member
So today my bolt stripped or backed out on the tierod end of the SS. I drove it all day and it really doesn't steer any different with it off. Do i need it?

If your running PSE the hydro assist isn't a SS so why do i need to run one? Correct me if I'm wrong on this.

And while i'm questioning the steering area why is it that my tie rod wont stay up it is always turned down? I center the tierod ends so its all set correctly and th second i drive it it looks like this.ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1446502072.762524.jpg
When it should look like this
If your geometry is right then you don't need a stabilizer. All it does is mask alignment issues.

As for your tie rod it is suppose to rotate so it's fine hanging like it does in the first pic.

As far as hydro goes that is more for helping with steering in the rocks as well as help keep things smooth in the fast stuff. You should still align your jeep like it's not even there
Thanks. Whelp then I'm pulling it off for awhile i guess. If i feel any difference i guess I'll throw it back on
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