Steering Locking up


New member
I am currnetly in Afghanistan and I had my wife take my 07 JK to have the new front PR 44 unlimited w/ RCV shafts, 5.38 gears, Pro Steer ball joint and ARB locker install along with the EVO Drag link Flip kit, I already had a rough country adj. Trac bar, extended brake line, ATX Slab wheels, 37X13.50R17 Nitto Mud Grapplers, TeraFlex Adj. LCA's and a Currie AntiRock Sway bar Kit. The problem is now the place installing the axle had issues with the steering locking up when they turn. So, we installed a PSC high volume power steering pump, new gear box and a new steering clock spring. That didn't fix the issue the steering is still sticking when it is turned. This is really getting expensive and I am looking for any kind of help here on what could be the problem.
is it actually locking at full turn like when it's shut off and you turn the wheel until it locks or is it sticking at full turn? if it's sticking only thing I can think of is the steering stop bolt needs to be adjusted.
I am currnetly in Afghanistan and I had my wife take my 07 JK to have the new front PR 44 unlimited w/ RCV shafts, 5.38 gears, Pro Steer ball joint and ARB locker install along with the EVO Drag link Flip kit, I already had a rough country adj. Trac bar, extended brake line, ATX Slab wheels, 37X13.50R17 Nitto Mud Grapplers, TeraFlex Adj. LCA's and a Currie AntiRock Sway bar Kit. The problem is now the place installing the axle had issues with the steering locking up when they turn. So, we installed a PSC high volume power steering pump, new gear box and a new steering clock spring. That didn't fix the issue the steering is still sticking when it is turned. This is really getting expensive and I am looking for any kind of help here on what could be the problem.

I literally just had a similar issue, might be worth checking out....
My steering would only turn left and straight - no right turn. ended up being a bent steering stabilizer shock that was binding because the shock rod, being bent, wouldnt go into the shock body. If yours is sticking it could possibly be a similar issue and since a new stabilizer shock is $50ish may be the cheapest thing to check out. hope its that!!!
Also if the front air locker is engaged it will not turn very well. They may have installed it wrong. If it turns freely with the tires off the ground should tell you if that's the problem.
I think what the issues is they are having issues with the ABS and the steering. They just sent me a message saying they are having issues with the EVO drag link flip kit bracket on the axle moving when they turn the steering wheel, which is cuasing problems with centering the steering wheel from what I am taking from it. They are talking to Offroad Evolution trying to figure out how to fix the problems.
I had problems with steering when I knocked my steering stabilizer bracket out of position on an off road trip. Doesn't exactly sounds like the same issue, but I think the SS is worth checking out too.
Right now they don't have the SS on, they took it off at the begining to make sure that wasn't the issue
So here is the new news. They beefed up the Drag link Flip kit bracket on the axle. Then they took it back to the alignment shop to do an alignment. They bring it back and it is still doing the same thing. I asked for a more detailed update on what it is doing and what they are saying now it is when the turn the steering wheel to the left or right it is not roatating on the ball joints properly. They said they talked to Mel at Offroad Evolution and he told them how to check if the Ball Joints are properly aligned, so they said they checked that and that was not the issued. Now they tell me the Traction control light is on, which it wasn't before. Now they are going to take it to a Dodge Dealership to look at it tomorrow. This is really starting to cost me way more than I expected. Does anyone have any suggestions on what this could possible be?
i wish i knew and could help. one thing i would suggest though is to see if the shop will pick up the extra work that they are doing to it since they dont completely know whats wrong either
They are helping out some, basically I am getting the parts at their cost and if they are the ones installing it not charging me, but it is still getting costly.
They are helping out some, basically I am getting the parts at their cost and if they are the ones installing it not charging me, but it is still getting costly.

well thats good they are helping you a little with the cost. hopefully someone can assit in some sort of why to figure this issue out
I had this exact thing happen on my F-250 that i just sold. The U-joint in the stub shaft seized up and would not allow it to turn properly. It would give symptoms of a failing pump, and then in the middle of a turn would just lock up. I thought it was my stabiliser too. Some days were ok then some were horrible until i found the problem. I would hope they checked this by now, but if not its worth a shot...
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