Steering Gear Box


New member
My gear box leaks, not a lot but maybe a few drips a day. I have yet to find a rebuild kit or even a non mopar replacement. Are there any other options than having to buy a new steering gear box for upwards of $500? Right now I am just keeping the power steering fluid reservoir full. I have a 2008 2dr X. I do not know which version of the box I have. I can check. Thanks for the help.
I priced out a replacement for my 2010 recently and cheapest I found was $800 from Morris 4x4, I think they use the same unit
My gear box leaks, not a lot but maybe a few drips a day. I have yet to find a rebuild kit or even a non mopar replacement. Are there any other options than having to buy a new steering gear box for upwards of $500? Right now I am just keeping the power steering fluid reservoir full. I have a 2008 2dr X. I do not know which version of the box I have. I can check. Thanks for the help.

You can send your box to West Texas Offroad in San Angelo, TX to have your factory unit rebuilt. Cardone will rebuild your factory unit too, but you have to coordinate the rebuild with certain select retail parts sellers. I think that both options come in at or around $150 not including shipping.

BTW, you have the 2 door, 16:1 ratio box, that can be rebuilt. I believe that the 2010 and later JKs have a Chinese built box that makes a poor candidate for rebuilding/re-manufacturing.
You can send your box to West Texas Offroad in San Angelo, TX to have your factory unit rebuilt. Cardone will rebuild your factory unit too, but you have to coordinate the rebuild with certain select retail parts sellers. I think that both options come in at or around $150 not including shipping.

BTW, you have the 2 door, 16:1 ratio box, that can be rebuilt. I believe that the 2010 and later JKs have a Chinese built box that makes a poor candidate for rebuilding/re-manufacturing.

I just checked the Mopar site, they have it listed for $442 but I think I'll call West TX Offroad and talk to them - thanks for the info
I was going with WestTexas, until I was notified that late '09 to '13's steering gear boxes are not rebuildable. But I see you have an '08. The rebuild goes for $140.

For those who have later years, like me, I did find one at factorymoparparts . com for $304 plus 75 core charge. It came in today. Looks like I'm going to be replacing the box this weekend.
Just a thought. If you have WTO rebuild your box, I definitley would have them drill the ports out and install plugs for future hydro assist if its a remote possibility you may go this route in the future.
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