starter gear getting hung up on fly wheel?


New member
has anyone had a started go bad or get stuck on the fly wheel on their 2012? i thought it was the throwout bearing but i looked at the fly wheel and starter gear and it looks like its getting hung up. i might hit the fly wheel with a little lube to see if it will help it retract the starter gear. its making whinning noise when i start it and depress the clutch peddle then start to drive and the niose goes away. any help would be great:beer:
so I put some grease on a thinga ma jig and got some on the starter gear and it seems to be fine now we will see how long it will work
May want to check that the spring isn't broken that kicks the starter gear back out of the flywheel ring gear.
yeah im going to look into that spring and see whats up heard a few guys say they have had to clean the starter too
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