Start button


Active Member
Sometimes after unlocking the door and hopping in foot on brake and push start button, it’ does not move and then after a few seconds ish with repeated attempts then starts. Side note batteries seem good as the PIA auto start stops still works
This happens to me when I dont step on the brake pedal hard enough. Also, when was the last time you changed your FOB battery? My JL started acting flaky with starts when my FOB batt was getting low even though I never got the "FOB not detected" warning.
don't know how cold your mornings are, but when it's cold the fob doesn't communicate and needs to be warmed up.

The guys at the valet lot I use tell me it's common with all stop/start vehicle fobs once the weather gets cold (40* or less)

Fob sucks, I've had it loose communications while driving and get the "No fob detected" warning
don't know how cold your mornings are, but when it's cold the fob doesn't communicate and needs to be warmed up.

The guys at the valet lot I use tell me it's common with all stop/start vehicle fobs once the weather gets cold (40* or less)

Fob sucks, I've had it loose communications while driving and get the "No fob detected" warning
Good point, Ive seen others mention this as well.
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