Stained plastic tinted windows?


New member
Good morning every one,

Went Jeeping yesterday and I noticed as I washed the Jeep last night that the same mud spots on my rear plastic windows were not coming off...


I washed...
Did an online search over night & heard about Meguiars Plastix, used it this morning and still nothing...


Did the mud bake on the plastic and ruin them?

Is there a solution?
(Other then buying new windows?)

Thanks for any help!
Try dish washing detergent and water. I've used the powder stuff before. Doesn't need to be a heavy mix.

hmmm good idea. i have the same problem with my windows but just elave it cause i know it will happen again at some point lol
Try dish washing detergent and water. I've used the powder stuff before. Doesn't need to be a heavy mix.

I'll try that later on...
How expensive are these windows anyway?

I'm thinking a pair for daily and a pair for Trails and Mudding... If they are not so expensive...
Plastix actually worked...
I just needed to do it with a little more force... It's not perfect but I see with time and maybe an orbital buffer, it will come out...

Thanks for the tips guys!
You can buy replacement windows for around $300. I think quadratec has them for that price.

I might buy some because mine are not tinted and apparently cant be tinted. I might keep the clear set as trail windows since they're pretty scratched up.
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