Spotted a Renegade!!


Staff member
10frank9 had actually started a thread just like this over on our sister site but, I thought I should start one up here as well. In spite of the all new Jeep Renegade being out for a while now, they still seem to be rare on the roads and so whenever I do see one, it's kind of a surprise. If you see one, please take a pic of it and post it up here!

To get things started, I will post up these 2 pics that Cindy took over the weekend. The first red one is a Renegade that we saw in the town of Bridgeport, CA.

Surprisingly, this Trailhawk with roof tent was one that we saw on the trail :thumb:

So, let's see what you've been seeing :yup:
Just a few weeks ago my fathers wife sent me this picture while on vacation in Europe,


she wanted to know if I knew what it was and if she could buy one in the states. As I was reading her message their happened to be one right in front of me, so I snapped a pic and sent it to her

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