Splish 'n Splash


Caught the Bug
Came across the picture again... This past October, my wife Kimberly and I were wheeling across Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The western half of UP had seen days of rain, just starting to slacken as we got to the Crystal Falls - Ironwood region (western half).

The trails were all heavily puddled. Twice we had to turn around, find another route. Water holes were sometimes 2-3x wider than the trail. It was like a splish'n'splash event :).

In one moderate-size hole, about 2.5x length of Stitch edge-to-edge, we started tip-toeing across. The bottom leveled out, felt Ok, water about even with the rockers, and we kept going.

About the length of the jeep from the far edge, the front of the jeep just dropped about 2-3'. Water was instantly same height as the the hood.

One of those times where I'm happy I didn't blink. Floored it. Instantly thinking if I stop I'm done. Amazing how time slows down, or your senses heighten, or... I'm thinking about where I'd winch from, winch being underwater a couple feet. Being all on our own a long walk from nowhere. The deep-sucking sound of the intake...must've been a -ton- of water scant inches from intake. Never heard that sound before.

Pushing forward the front starting climbing after just a couple feet, water just -cascading- over the hood...and then...after what seemed like an eternity, but probably only lasted 5 seconds, we were climbing up, out, and safe. Close.

Bless my wife's self-control and staying silent. A distraction would've been costly.

We continued driving on, in and out of rain, for a couple hours before I thought to take this pic. You can just barely see the high-water mark on the hood.

A great story to tell...Fortunately with a happy ending. But if you don't have events like this, you _have_ no stories to tell :)

Stitch - High Water Mark (lowres).jpg
Good reflexes. If you stopped, you would have been done.

Glad it worked out and became a good story, not a bad one.
Nice job handling that potentially bad situation. Do a diff oil fluid change just in case you sucked water into your Diffs.

2015 JKUR AEV JK350
1985 CJ8 Scrambler
Does your winch still work?

Good question. Yep. Not a concern. Needs some amount of water resistance just for driving around in rain at 75MPH :). Casual dunking for a few seconds, no problemo. Have used it a couple times in months since. :)

Nice job handling that potentially bad situation. Do a diff oil fluid change just in case you sucked water into your Diffs.

Solid thinking, right there with you. I also do diffs seasonally 'just because.' Doesn't take but a few minutes...don't even have to use a jack.

Probably shouldn't be surprised to hear the sway bar disconnect went belly-up not long after. Installing the EVO manual disconnect as an interim solution, it was amazing how much water came out of the housing, as well as the solenoid housing. To be honest, the seals on that mechanism are sad. Not surprised it failed...terrible, just terrible design. Hope the class action lawsuit moves forward.
Good question. Yep. Not a concern. Needs some amount of water resistance just for driving around in rain at 75MPH :). Casual dunking for a few seconds, no problemo. Have used it a couple times in months since. :)

Solid thinking, right there with you. I also do diffs seasonally 'just because.' Doesn't take but a few minutes...don't even have to use a jack.

Probably shouldn't be surprised to hear the sway bar disconnect went belly-up not long after. Installing the EVO manual disconnect as an interim solution, it was amazing how much water came out of the housing, as well as the solenoid housing. To be honest, the seals on that mechanism are sad. Not surprised it failed...terrible, just terrible design. Hope the class action lawsuit moves forward.

That’s crazy that your sway bar DC kicked the bucket. I do multiple water crossing a year and by still works flawlessly. I want to go to the EVO no limits so I don’t have to sit and wait for it to connect and disconnect, but it keeps on ticking.

2015 JKUR AEV JK350
1985 CJ8 Scrambler
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