SoCal Run This Weekend


New member
Thinking about hitting some trails this weekend. Anyone heading out to Big Bear, Calico, etc?
Would be interested in going. Gotta check with the boss and the 3 week old new boy. Let me get back to ya!
Wish I could make it but my rig isn't in wheeling condition atm. Need to replace a few things that broke on my last trip. I would definitely like to go next time you head out.
Hopefully heading to Bishop this weekend if everything works out. If anyone is up there send me a PM.
I'd like to join up with you this weekend, however I am on call. I'm considering going Friday the 19th for the day. Hoping to do Dishpan and Bull.........
Meeting up in Highland at Taco Bell 2525 Highland Ave. Highland 92346 at 6:30 am with a few fellas. We can caravan up to John Bull if anyone is interested.
Ya, the 6:30 time wasn't my choice. But it should be fine once we are on the trail. Not wheeling next week, but I will be up there to check things out.
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