SNOW WHEELING SUNDAY : Take Jane Out for a Spin in the White Stuff


Staff member
I know it's far from what some of you have been getting back in the northeast and up in Canada but it isn't every day that we get howling winds all night long and 8" of fresh white stuff, left all over the ground. Needless to say, today was the kind of epic snow day that we just had to take advantage of and being that it was a balmy 28° out, it was one that needed to be done doorless and topless. Fortunately, Jane was all too eager to show what an old gal like her can do and the following are a few pics from the fun we had this morning. I hope you enjoy. :cool:

At the crack of dawn and looking at the snow still coming down.

It was so windy last night that snow blew all over our deck.

If you can believe it, this was shoveled down to pavement just last night. This morning, it was showing just shy of 8".

Jane rearin to have some fun with Tessa on board.

In spite of all her protests, Moby insisted on coming along... you know, just to keep her company. :cool:

YeeHaw!! In spite of being 45 years old, Jane was just kicking ass in the white stuff.


Moby was thoroughly impressed.

Jane's new shoes were hooking up amazingly well too - much better than her old BFG AT's.



Moby pulling up next to Jane to tell her how cool she is out in the snow.


Here's a shot of Jane and Moby enjoying each others company and sharing some old wheeling stories.


Jane going out for one more spin in the hills before heading back home.


OH to be ALIVE!! It really doesn't get much better than this!

Again, I know it wasn't much but I hope you were able to enjoy seeing Jane taking a spin out in the white stuff today. :cool:
Looks like a blast!

It really was. A ton of fun for sure! It's crazy how capable an old CJ-5 like this really is out in the snow. She literally can do more things that I was willing to do. She just wanted to go and go and go! :crazyeyes:
So cool that Jane got out to play. That shot with Jane and Moby side by side is just perfect. An old gal showing the big guy she’s still got it. Super cool!
So cool that Jane got out to play. That shot with Jane and Moby side by side is just perfect. An old gal showing the big guy she’s still got it. Super cool!

Glad you liked the pics. I won't lie, it can be spooky at times wheeling something as small, light and as nice as she is. There were a couple of off camber trenches she could have easily gone up but the thought of jacking her up was too much for me to stomach.
I love that 8274...does Jane have a working heater?

Sorry, forgot to answer your question LOL!!

YES - Jane has a working heater and with a new core that I installed but you can't really feel it with the doors and top off :crazyeyes:

Great pics there.

That was the only thing missing from the last snow compilation video.

As cool (like ICE cold) as the old rigs are, driving one for a while makes you appreciate the comfort and convenience of the new ones.
It really was. A ton of fun for sure! It's crazy how capable an old CJ-5 like this really is out in the snow. She literally can do more things that I was willing to do. She just wanted to go and go and go! :crazyeyes:

Don’t hurt her, lol. The snow sure is pretty, and the wife and I love Jane.

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