Shit hits the fan!


New member
Last night my Jeep started to over heat while I was on the thruway I continue to drive for a carefully to reach the next exit so I can pullover but but my motor dies and I was forced to pull to the side. I waited a hour before I attempted to start it so it can cool down and it just cranks and sounds like there is no compression. Called a tow truck and finally got my Jeep home. Tried to start it again this morning and still nothing the Jeep cranks but doesn’t start. Any idea where to start looking for problems or what it can be? I think the head gasket went but not sure.
You’ve been dealing with overheating issues for awhile. Probably not unreasonable to assume a blown head gasket at this point.

Time to start tearing it down IMO. Just leave the channel locks in the toolbox and you’ll be okay.

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