Shift point to do the job

Dune Crawler

New member
Running 35's BFG ATs and got a bully dog GT tuner and was curious if the 5600RPM shift points from 1-2 to 2-3 was right on the money for 35's with 3.73 gears or if I should up it or lower it?


Sent from Hooligan Dune Crawler
Did you just get your tuner? Not sure which one to get but I like Bully Dog, is it working well?
Running 35's BFG ATs and got a bully dog GT tuner and was curious if the 5600RPM shift points from 1-2 to 2-3 was right on the money for 35's with 3.73 gears or if I should up it or lower it?


Sent from Hooligan Dune Crawler
5600 sounds way high to me....
5600 sounds way high to me....

agreed! The only time I see those RPMs is when passing on a two lane road with someone coming at me, or bolting to get on the expressway with a short entrance ramp. My normal shift points are around 1800 to 2K if Im being conservative with MPGs, or 2500 to 2800 if Im zippin around town.
Dune Crawler said:
Running 35's BFG ATs and got a bully dog GT tuner and was curious if the 5600RPM shift points from 1-2 to 2-3 was right on the money for 35's with 3.73 gears or if I should up it or lower it?


Sent from Hooligan Dune Crawler

That 5600 shift point is for Wide Open Throttle.

It may have shift points you can change at different throttle percentages. I know the Diablosport Trinity has the ability to change shift points between gears at 8, 15, 30 and 40 percent throttle.(note: those may not be te exact percentages but they are close)

This is for an auto trans of course.
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what are you trying to accomplish? the Bully dog should have pre-programmed shift points for various duties (towing, performance, off-road) to keep you from damaging your tranny.
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