Sherman Pass Jeep Trail - still Jeep?


New member
Anyone know if Sherman Pass Jeep Trail is still a "Jeep" trail? Was the trail scrubbed?

Seems to not be on newer maps.... Was looking to plan a trip near there at Horse Meadow, and hopefully run Sherman too - But on the 2015 USGS topo it's gone... (Where it's one older topos - side by side, it's not there...)

And at the USFS service web site (which most suck) it's listed as "The Sherman Pass 4x4 Jeep Trail is 7.0 miles long. It begins at 22S05 and ends at 22E41A. The trail is open for the following uses: ATV Trail Riding" :eek: (this trail # also listed 50 " or less in width on my old MVU map...)

My older MVU map has it, :dont_tell: I can print it... But the new MVU map not able to be found at the USFS site. link broken... Sure...

Anyway I'm hoping someone here knows the truth, before I let the conspiracy theorist in me beat out my inner cop.
I haven't been up there yet, but as far as I can tell it is. Two Jeep clubs maintain it, so I'd assume it's good to go. Still closed for the winter, though.
Last fire season we drove a dodge Diesel with a utility bed on it up the trail. So yes The trail does exist. But I can't confirm that it is at the roads you listed. It is on maps. Just have to find the right one.

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Good glad to hear its still a thing, if open - I'm doing it memorial weekend.

It is however - for some reason not on the maps any more... Just dont seem right...
Smokin Joe, a member here, belongs to club out of Ridgecrest that maintains the trail. Last I heard they go up every June to clear the fallen trees. Might be later this year cuz of the amount of snow

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Odd you are saying that you can't find it. I went to it on my maps on my handy dandy IPhone and can see the trail marked as jeep trl clear as day

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