Seat drop.


Caught the Bug
Any of you guys looked into lowering your seat height from stock? I'm 6'5 and with the soft top folded back it his me on top of three head. I'm lankey in the torso and looking to drop the seat. Yes i have lowered it all the way with three lever on the side. Ideas guys

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I'm not looking at me jeep now, but just thinking about it... Wouldn't you have to actually chop the stock seat mounts, cut some length off of them, and weld them back together to make it work in your favor? That's the only way I could think of.

Maybe add sone washers under the front mounts?
One alternative is to change seats. Obviously not the cheapest method, but my upgrade to Mastercraft Baja RS seats gave me about 1-2" more head clearance because they sit lower. I'm only 6'3" ;) so it helped me out quite a bit, plus they are much more comfortable than stock.
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