seat belt mod, would it be illegal?


hey, I was thinking about a modification of the rear portion of my rollcage, if someday I do the jkl wrangler stretch, and the rear bars would be too far to keep the factory rear seatbelts.

So I was wondering if it would be illegal to put waist seat belt instead of over shoulder seat belt on the rear seat?
I would guess probably not legal. If it came factory with the shoulder harness, probably required by law.

I don't think I've seen any rear seat belts recently that don't have the shoulder strap. Probably required now. Anyone know of a recent vehicle that doesn't have them?

Deleted my post. Older cars had middle seats with waist seatbelt, but newest cars have diagonal seatbelt even pick-up trucks on the middle seat
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here in Canada, all motor vehicle laws are provincial. I just spent a few minutes searching the Government of Quebec website but couldn't find it. look up the loi sur les véhicules à moteur or whatever it is called in Quebec. Here in NB it's the Motor Vehicle Act, other provinces call it the Highway Safety (or Traffic ) Act. Find the section regarding seatbelts. That will give you your answer.
from what I've found, it would be illegal :thinking:

Once there (doing the stretch), gotta have to find a way to keep the rear seat up front, along with the diagonal seatbelt.
hey, I was thinking about a modification of the rear portion of my rollcage, if someday I do the jkl wrangler stretch, and the rear bars would be too far to keep the factory rear seatbelts.

So I was wondering if it would be illegal to put waist seat belt instead of over shoulder seat belt on the rear seat?

Just remove the back seat?..... :question:
You have to check your local laws. In some U.S. states (Arizona for example), back seat passengers are not even required to wear a seatbelt (unless they are under age 16 I believe).

Califorinia's law only says you need a shoulder strap "if present", and only for the front passengers:

(2) For purposes of this section the phrase, "properly restrained by a safety belt" means that the lower (lap) portion of the belt crosses the hips or upper thighs of the occupant and the upper (shoulder) portion of the belt, if present, crosses the chest in front of the occupant.

I took the shoulder straps out of my lowered VW Bug in highschool. I did get pulled over, and the officer asked why I wasn't wearing a seatbelt, I showed him the lap belt (which was buckled), and he said that was good enough.
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The thing is, since its my DD, sometime there is people sitting on the back seat, which means I need legal and fonctionnal seatbelt.

I thought the same about the us.. heh

Lol hope your kidding.

lol yea i was kidding, however I think I might have seen maybe 30 people while I was up in Nunavut.
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