Samll Business IT Support


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Rapid IT Support provides fully managed IT support London businesses need. To ensure ultimate business delivery through a robust IT system, contact now and get a free quote for your company! A comprehensive IT support service can drive your business to grow faster than your expected rate. How is that so? Getting reliable IT Support in London enhances the organizational capacity and expands the business portfolio. Similarly, small business IT support is essential for any startup venture to build its successful business delivery in the beginning. Contact now to get your desired level of managed IT support!
Rapid IT Support provides fully managed IT support London businesses need. To ensure ultimate business delivery through a robust IT system, contact now and get a free quote for your company! A comprehensive IT support service can drive your business to grow faster than your expected rate. How is that so? Getting reliable IT Support in London enhances the organizational capacity and expands the business portfolio. Similarly, small business IT support is essential for any startup venture to build its successful business delivery in the beginning. Contact now to get your desired level of managed IT support!
The only thing 'RAPID' is you rapidly getting the fuck outta here.

Are these turds showing up because of the new forum software?
Doubtful. The new software is better from what I understand at keeping out the spammers. Some get through though. It’s been up for a week now and this is only the second one that I know of. That’s pretty good I think.
Are these turds showing up because of the new forum software?
So, yes and no. No because like what Overlander said, the software is better at controlling spam but yes in that we tried to make it a little easier for people to get on the forum. We used to have pretty hard questions that needed to be answered but we got a lot of people who just couldn't figure them out. We'll have to fine tune our registration.
Hard questions? I know it’s been about a year but I don’t recall any hard questions. That’s such a sad statement on the intellect of the population that it’s too hard to join a forum
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