Rugged Ridge Snorkel. Any feedback?


New member
Hi there, since I'm considering buying one soon I'd like to hear a little more about the product. Any of you have it? Any problem yet ? I made some research and the only con I found is the installation, wich for me it will be a fun challenge to consider :p I like the fact that you don't have to cut out any apparent metal and personnally it got a more fierce look than the safari... personnally!
they do look quite bad ass! i was also looking into that set up. the no cutting thing is a big plus, if down the road you end up wanting to sell the rig, it can be removed with no sign that it was there in the first place. im glad someone asked about it. i also would like to hear if anyone has any feed back on it.
i've not run one but, i have seen it up close and have been able to examine the entire unit and it looks good. install will most likley require a bit more effort than is said but, nothing impossible.
I've never seen one live and I've no idea about the performance vs standard snorkels, no-drill is for sure the key selling point and I like the idea of the modular system. but looking at the install pics, the process seems to be quite laborious.
Well when I will install it I will take some pictures step by step. I know there's some people who did that but well... the more the better I guess!

Glad to hear the product looks of good quality, not to bash on rugged ridge but... They tend to be cheaper than others with some of their products...
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