Rpms jumping


New member
I have a 96 xj I just bought it and when ever I'm driving if I go above 2500 rpm my rpms jump up and down and the car starts jerking with the rpms but the trans is not slipping has anyone had this problem or know what it could be
I had similar problems with my RPMs both jumping and dropping.

When my RPMs were jumping i would be stopped and out of gear (manual tranny) and it would rev itself to 2000-2500 and for that i pulled out and cleaned all my fuel injectors, changed the spark plugs, and ran a bottle of sea foam through it. I also went in and made sure all the connections on my engine sensors were good.

For my RPMs dropping I would have to actually give it gas to keep the engine from dying when stopped and that was caused by a short in my front indicator lights. (gotta love Chrysler electronics!:icon_crazy:)

Other common problems that might cause this are a bad TPS (throttle position sensor) or CPS (crank position sensor) Do you have a check engine light?
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