Rockhard Cage


I was wondering if anybody can tell me if the Rockhard cage can be used with your hard top. Does the hard top need to be trimmed?
Yes you can use your hard top. BUT I have heard you have to trim your top a little. I don't have one but have read a lot about them.

It would be nice if someone would post a pick of how much you have to trim or mod the top
I think you do but sorry cant give you a for sure answer I just took off my hard top cause it wasn't sitting right with my cage so I purchased my soft top I was planning on trimming it but I've been wanting a soft top so I just got it sorry I can't give you the answer your looking for
You have to trim the freedom panels to clear the collar. Sorry no pics, the hard top is off and stored for the season. But essentially you trim the panel the width of the collar right along the ridge and next to the little guide rod. At least that is what I had to do.
I trimmed the connecting collars (and bolt heads) on the cage, not the hard top. That hardtop has enough issues, I wouldn’t start cutting on it if you didn’t absolutely have to.
I had to do some minor trimming of the passenger side freedom panel where it sits over the knuckle using a dremmel and sand paper. I also trimmed the bolt heads with a grinder on the passenger side. Everything works fine now with the hardtop. Before the trimming, the passenger side freedom panel would install, but it wouldn't seal enough above the windshield to prevent air from whistling when I drove.
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