Rocker Guard/Nutsert Install Advice Needed


Caught the Bug
If all goes well, I will finally be installing my Rockhard 4x4 Rocker Guards this weekend. But I need some advice.

1. Should I paint the 22 holes I put in my body or use silicone when I install the Nutsert?
2. Should I lay a bead of silicone along the length above the mounting holes?
3. Will the provided Nutsert tool suffice?

Guards Pic

Nutsert tool pic

Any insight/experiences would be appreciated.

When I did mine I put a bead of silicone around the entire perimeter of the rock skin before installing.
If you have a harbor freight, AIH or a local parts store that sells an actual nutsert tool, I would purchase one. Defiantly give yourself plenty of time. It took me about 3-4 hrs on the first one with set up and getting the nutsert fine tuned. I have the poison spyder and I painted the holes and put silicon around the nutsert. After install I ran a bead of silicon across the top.

You call him Dr. Jones lady!!!
Like Broken Yoke said, give lots of time if you don't have the purpose made tool. I had to install a boat load of these as part of my Poison spyder fender install and it took forever with just wrenches. I also used both touch up paint and silicone along with hopes and dreams to prevent rust. Can't say if either are working, but have not seen rust yet. Also, though it will take a while no matter what, take your time anyway. The sheet metal on the JK is thinner than a coke can and will bend easily if you hack at it.
If you are worried about rust, I would prime the bare metal on the hole with zinc chromate primer and run a small bead of seallant around the periphery of the under the head of the nutsert so that you achieve squeeze out when you install it.

For the rocker skin, you could also run a bead about 1/8" from the edge of the inboard side. Once installed,fair the squeeze out. Search for "Fay surface seal" if you need clarification.

Thanks for all the input. I will definitely be using silicone now. I'm going to do a test run with the tool they provided with one of the extra nutserts to see how difficult it is to crush one. I wasn't aware of the sheet metal being so thin so that is a concern. I had planned to pull my bumper to install my winch while I had access to the garage but it sounds like that may be too ambitious based on the times given.

Thanks again for the input!
This is one of the few projects that make me miss my YJ. When I installed Poison Spyder Rocker Knockers on it, you just drilled through the rocker panel and bolted them up.
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