RIP Rush Limbaugh


Active Member
I have to admit it, I’ve listened to Rush since I found him on an am radio in a loaner truck in 1989. He was entertaining, and although he had personal problems in his life, he loved this country. It’s amazing how fast 35 years passed by when I think back how long he was on the radio. Cancer sucks, Rest In Peace Rush, you will be missed

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In my early 20’s my Grandmother was battling Cancer... I spent a lot of time at her house, fixing the place up and spending quality time... She loved Rush and always had him on the Radio.. I quickly became a fan and hearing him always reminds me of her. I really enjoyed his perspective on things.
I listened to him religiously in the late 80's and 90's but grew tired of being presented with all that is wrong in the world but having no outlet to do anything about it.

I didn't agree with him always but I'm grateful that I learned to listen and read carefully and dissect what was being said by the media and politicians from him.
The media is calling him a conservative talk radio host. I know he was conservative, however so many people loved him and his point of views. My grandparents got me started on listening to his shows in the 80s, and I don’t think they even voted for Ronald Reagan. If you didn’t have a “D” after your name you didn’t get their vote. But they loved Rush, I have heard stuff like from others. He was a remarkable person. I will miss his shows

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He was a patriot and believed whole heartedly in this country.

He will be missed.

2015 JKUR AEV JK350
1985 CJ8 Scrambler
Going to miss him! Talent returned to God!

I have been listening to him since the early 90's. Most of the time riding around in my dads pickup.

800-282-2882 has been burned into my memory! LOL!
Its disturbing how many on the left are reacting to his death... but not surprising. And I acknowledge both sides are guilty of being assholes when someone with different ideas dies.
Its disturbing how many on the left are reacting to his death... but not surprising. And I acknowledge both sides are guilty of being assholes when someone with different ideas dies.

Regardless of your political inclinations, disparaging someone after their death is classless...unless of course the person is truly heinous, like a Hitler. I didn’t agree with everything he said, but I certainly did agree with him a lot.

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I remember listening to his show on the radio in the early 90's...

As far as the disrespect shown by some regarding his death, people in general are despicable. Anyone recall the jokes about Ruth Ginsberg after her passing? I was not a fan of hers whatsoever but trashing her on social media was not very classy...
RIP Rush. listened to him over the years and provided a lot to think about but never questioned his love of America
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