Ring and Pinion over haul kit


Hi Guys,

So I'm seeing gears and gears with over haul kits with all different shims and bushings. Is this needed or can I just buy the gears? I have a total of 14k miles on my jeep.

Thank you,

Having just re geared my JKUR with only 3k miles on it I wud say get the kit. I got it for mine and to be honest I only used the new pinion bearing but the shims they give you make it so much easier to get the right shim since they give you like 20 different shims in All diff sizes. Since re gearing isn't somethung you want to have to do again I wud say do it right the first time spend the extra money get the over haul kits just my two cents.

2013 JKUR 4" Enforcer lift w/ 35" fierce attitude MTs , RR modular front bump w/ warnvr8k
Can you do your own gears or having a shop do it the only way to go?

If you have never done this before , have a shop do the install!! Unless you are familiar with rebuilding re ends "no homo" or know someone who does and has a press I wud have a good shop do it for you.

2013 JKUR 4" Enforcer lift w/ 35" fierce attitude MTs , RR modular front bump w/ warnvr8k
Honestly I think your best best is to make a trip to ORE. I considered doing so from Reno. They do a ton of them and have one of the best prices around. Good luck!
I was hoping for the best and well......i got the truth, I cant.

Being as ur so close to ORE I wud go to them plus they have a deal I think 1000 for gears and installation and that us a sick deal since gears alone are at least 400$

Sent from my JK
Being as ur so close to ORE I wud go to them plus they have a deal I think 1000 for gears and installation and that us a sick deal since gears alone are at least 400$

Sent from my JK

They are close......6 hours away and 300 miles or so... But If I lived in LA I would so go to them.
ORE is 14hrs from me, and I would still think about going to them, but I would also have them do my lift at the same time since I'm there.
A basic lift is something that can be done at home with basic tools but re gear is a different story

2013 JKUR 4" Enforcer lift w/ 35" fierce attitude MTs , RR modular front bump w/ warnvr8k
With only 14 k you should only need a minor rebuild kit. Shims crush sleeve ring bolts basically everything you need except new bearings. Just my .02 cents
With only 14 k you should only need a minor rebuild kit. Shims crush sleeve ring bolts basically everything you need except new bearings. Just my .02 cents

Agreed and you can even reuse the crush sleeve if u put it in a vice

I don't always wheel , but when I do I keep it tight......... Stay dirty my friends.
Northridge sells a kit of Gears and rebuild kits for under 600, best deal I have seen so far. You will pay much more buying them seperate.
Northridge sells a kit of Gears and rebuild kits for under 600, best deal I have seen so far. You will pay much more buying them seperate.

That's exactly what I got

I don't always wheel , but when I do I keep it tight......... Stay dirty my friends.
I talked with a local shop today and a dealer with Yukon gears. I told them the price of the package deal with Northridge 4x4 for 549.99 . He got upset about the deal and said I should question the whole package as the bearings might not be Yukon. Then gave the pitch about installed 1850 with all parts. I don't know anything about gears and don't know what to believe. You guys have some insight.
My local shop will do a full install you provide the parts for $400 an axle. I did my own with help but I learned its well worth the $800 when I was done.
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