I'm in the market for a good torque wrench. I have the cheapos from HF but I'm ready to invest in a nice one. I hear good things about Snap-on and I've seen several nice ones online like this one for around $150. What do you recommend wayalife family?
Can't go wrong with snap-on. Craftsman makes decent ones too.
Thanks for the feedback guys:thumb: looks like snap-on and craftsmen are well liked. GCM2, I'm curious about benefit of digital, more accurate, easier to read/set?
As you stated; more accurate, easier to read/set, also typically doesn't need to be recalibrated as often. It may be overkill for you to purchase an electronic (digital) torque wrench if you will only use it a few times a month or even less. That level of tool purchase is best suited for a daily professional; aircraft industry, engine builders, etc.
Kind of a lengthy read, but this 200lbs brain of an author goes deeper than you may want to ever go on torque devices.
I broke the handle craftsman recently, they won't warranty them after a year. I was careful with it and always kept it in it's case. So it wasn't from abuse.
I bought a new one and broke the ratchet head on the third bolt (80 ft).
i have a 3/8" drive and 1/2" drive craftsman that work great!
andrew -
I broke the handle craftsman recently, they won't warranty them after a year. I was careful with it and always kept it in it's case. So it wasn't from abuse.
I bought a new one and broke the ratchet head on the third bolt (80 ft).
Needless to say its returned and I'm looking at snap on
About how much does a snap on go for? I'm not talking digital either, just clicking style.
4x4 off road just did a comparison and believe it or not. The harbor freight was very close to the tolerances of both Sear's craftsman, and snap-on for significantly less. Take a minute to find the article and see which one you want.