Rear locker works!!! But the light still flashes??


New member
Recently found that I thought I had a problem with the stock rubi locker not engaging.

Today I pulled the cover jacked it up and found otherwise.

Locker is workin just fine, engages and disengages just fine, fluid looked good and gears are clean but the damn light in the cluster just flashes away...? Bad sensor? Bad connection?

I'm just gonna rock this D44 till she blows and then it's time for a D60.
How long are we talking about here. Sometimes mine will flash for like 5 minutes, but it eventually will stay lit.
I don't think I would worry too much then. Mine has been that way since the day I drive it off the lot. Lockers have worked perfectly. Sometimes the lights blink for 1 minute, sometimes for 5. As long as they work and eventually stay lit, I guess they're ok :thinking:
I don't think I would worry too much then. Mine has been that way since the day I drive it off the lot. Lockers have worked perfectly. Sometimes the lights blink for 1 minute, sometimes for 5. As long as they work and eventually stay lit, I guess they're ok :thinking:

Yeah if it's just a sensor I could care less... I just wanted to make sure it worked.

So ill just say I services the rear end lol.

Next on my to-do list is run a switch to them so I can use them anytime.
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