Rear driveline issue


New member
So after a good look today on the jeep I noticed that my rear driveshaft actually rubs on the gas tank skid when flexed or upon up travel. It's where the driveshaft and pinion yoke join. No pictures but is there a fix to this?

Also I have a nasty squeak but only when I press the brake pedal down about two inches and only happens sometimes. I tore everything apart but nothing obvious. I cleaned everything and it still squeaks. I'm thinking it could be a bent flange but that's a wild guess
So after a good look today on the jeep I noticed that my rear driveshaft actually rubs on the gas tank skid when flexed or upon up travel. It's where the driveshaft and pinion yoke join. No pictures but is there a fix to this?

Is it safe to assume you are running short arms? If so, have you made sure to center your axle? If so, you can shift it over more to help - that and or you can take a hammer to your skid and clearance it a bit. :crazyeyes:

Also I have a nasty squeak but only when I press the brake pedal down about two inches and only happens sometimes. I tore everything apart but nothing obvious. I cleaned everything and it still squeaks. I'm thinking it could be a bent flange but that's a wild guess

Is the squeak solid or does it oscillate? Either way, if this is only when braking, check the brake pad guides to make sure they haven't slipped out of place and now making contact with your rotors.
Is it safe to assume you are running short arms? If so, have you made sure to center your axle? If so, you can shift it over more to help

Eddie, are you saying to do this through an adjustable track bar? I am running the stock one in the rear and noticed this today....ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1422071488.737665.jpg
I am running a Rock Hard gas tank skid. Thoughts? Remove?
I had the same problem. I cut off that edge from the mounting point back.

I thought about that too. I do not want to pull that skid off though! With the CA mounting bracket and the skid, how heavy it is by itself, it was a MAJOR PITA to get it back in there after installing everything! It's probably the cleanest option though. I am wheeling again tomorrow and I am worried about unbalancing or bending my driveline.
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