Rear Bumper Cut!


New member
Hey Everyone, After spending alot of time searching for people that cut their rear bumpers and not finding anything I decided not to cut my and leave it the way it is... Then after cutting my fenders and loving the way they looked but hating the way my rear bumper looked I decided it was time to take out the jigsaw and fix the appearance of my rear bumper. I really like the way it turned out, its about a 3 beer and 1 hour job.


It was just a happy coincidence that the rear bumper caps I made and the fender cut angle turned out to be about the same! The screws I used are pretty much the perfect size for the rivets I have, Couldn't decide if I like the rivets or the screws better. So in about a week or so i'm going to take out the screws and install rivets to see what looks better.

Lets see your cut rear bumpers!
Yes I do nice job its a nice clean mod and gets rid of all that plastic behind the tires.....

Wish I would have talked to you before I cut mine, would have made taking a jig saw to mine a little less nerve racking! Any pictures of your cut rear bumper?
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