REALLY?? Sony Scraped ‘The Interview’


Staff member
Not to get all political here but really??? All you have to do to halt to free speech and freedom of expression is to make an anonymous threat and say 911??? :ahhh-what:

It’s Official: Sony Scraps ‘The Interview’
Sony Pictures has made official what has been painfully obvious to everybody since yesterday morning, when hackers threatened to blow up movie theaters if The Interview was released next week. The studio has officially scrapped its release plans. Sony had little choice here, after the major theater chains announced earlier today they would not display the film given the threatening circumstances. Here’s the statement:

“In light of the decision by the majority of our exhibitors not to show the film The Interview, we have decided not to move forward with the planned December 25 theatrical release. We respect and understand our partners’ decision and, of course, completely share their paramount interest in the safety of employees and theater-goers.

“Sony Pictures has been the victim of an unprecedented criminal assault against our employees, our customers, and our business. Those who attacked us stole our intellectual property, private emails, and sensitive and proprietary material, and sought to destroy our spirit and our morale – all apparently to thwart the release of a movie they did not like. We are deeply saddened at this brazen effort to suppress the distribution of a movie, and in the process do damage to our company, our employees, and the American public. We stand by our filmmakers and their right to free expression and are extremely disappointed by this outcome.”

Pardon my French but - what a FUCKIN joke :naw:
Honestly, I'm just speechless.... utterly disgusted that so much of America is now afraid of its own shadow.
really... North fucking Korea??? we are worried about North Korea??? This is completely ridiculous...
Wow! I saw that they cancelled some premiers but damn.... Im with you, Im speechless.
Release it straight to DVD....wonder how'll they'll try and stop that?
BOHICA, Sony......geez, I think I'll go rent a copy of Team America: World Police......
So get this. Thanks to this Sony hack BS and the subsequent anonymous threats, New Regency just cancelled a movie that Steve Carell was working on called 'Pyongyang'.

Steve Carell’s North Korea Movie 'Pyongyang' Canceled in Wake of Sony Hack
By Jeff Sneider

The shockwaves from the Sony hack have finally reached Hollywood’s development community, as New Regency has pulled the plug on its Steve Carell movie Pyongyang, which Gore Verbinski had been prepping for a March start date, an individual familiar with the project has toldTheWrap.

Based on the graphic novel by Guy Delisle, Pyongyang is a paranoid thriller about a Westerner’s experiences working in North Korea for a year.

Looks like the North Korean terrorist are 2 for 2 now :naw:
America is supposed to be the leaders of the free world. Not a bunch of politically correct chicken shits! Pathetic!!!
Don't offend crazy, powerful people. It's a lesson that Sony learned the hard way. The North K's just fulfilled every jihadist's wet dream: they bent American corporate will and changed their actions to conform to their desires. Economic terrorism is difficult for a capitalist society to defeat, since corporations by and large honor money and fear over courage and honor.

Corporate zombies need to learn to stop mouthing off in emails, stop storing sensitive information behind firewalls they bought from Best Buy, and stop doing stupid shit like green-lighting a movie that's highly likely to rain down crap on their head.

The big takeaway: You cannot fight the American spirit, but good old fashioned economic and scandalous blackmail will give you something even better - obedience.

Fuck Sony. Fuck the theaters. We hold more power than North Korea, but it seems Sony has forgotten who helps them keep the lights on. I will not be patronizing the theater chains who bailed. I will boycott Sony.
Honestly, I'm just speechless.... utterly disgusted that so much of America is now afraid of its own shadow.

X's 10. Bullies are not about force, they are about power. Once you stand up to the power and take it away, the bully is neutered. No difference here.

People these days are way too sensitive, and our corporations and leaders have lost any semblance of testicular fortitude.

I had no intention of seeing this movie. However, based on the threats, I would have made a point to see it opening night.
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