Question on adding switches


New member
I'm considering adding some lights to my 2015 Willy's Wheeler and, I'm looking at ways to mount switches. Has anyone been able to add switches to blank spaces on the switch bank below the stereo? I have three switches on that switch bank with four blank spaces. I've looked for individual switches but, it appears that the switch bank is sold as a unit.
Yes can be done. There is a youtube video of someone doing this.

I bought an extra switch panel and switches for this, just have not had time to do it yet. The circuit board runs the whole length of the panel, but once you modify the button there is room small amount of room to route the wires.
I'm considering adding some lights to my 2015 Willy's Wheeler and, I'm looking at ways to mount switches. Has anyone been able to add switches to blank spaces on the switch bank below the stereo? I have three switches on that switch bank with four blank spaces. I've looked for individual switches but, it appears that the switch bank is sold as a unit.

Here's what I have been considering for my JK:
Thank you. That's a nice way to do it but, WOW, $435 before the lights. It also means adding a second switch panel. I already have a switch bank with seven slots and only three switches. I'm trying to figure out how to use a few of the blank spaces.

be careful, the "blank spaces" have a circuit board behind them.

trigger also offers a switch kit that decent.
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