I ordered a bolt on winch guard 2 weeks ago. No order status. No replies to emails. Thankfully, no charge to my credit card. But dang, wonder if they're still in business?
Pure Jeep is a Hanson Offroad company. Google ‘Hanson reviews’ or search my post on here. I had my worst online shopping experience with them over a rear bumper. You’ll probably get it eventually but if you do eventually get ahold of them they will lie about when it’s coming, it will be “at the powder coaters”. I’d have your bank cancel the transaction and move on from them. I eventually got the bumper and the cross bar mount was welded on upside down and wouldn’t mount up correctly. The powder coating was scuffed up, I think this was a QC reject that was sent back to them and they pulled it off the scrap pile to shut me up and satisfy the mail fraud inquiry. They blocked my calls when I called for their “workmanship warranty”