PSC hood louver install question


I've got the PSC hood louver kit to put on my 2013 JKUS and I'm just wondering what the rest of you with them have done in regard to the lining attached to the underside of the hood.
Also if you have removed the plastic engine cover to help keep the heat in the engine bay down.
I know the hood liner would need to be modified if it were to stay and I also know that the plastic engine covers hold a lot of heat in.
My worry is that with water, dirt and mud being able to get in through the louvers and onto the engine is it a good idea to leave the engine cover on or not?
Any input or experience would be greatly appreciated.
I took out the lining on my old JK. Unless you cut out matching holes for the vents, the lining defeats the purpose. I kept the plastic cover on. I never had any problems. I'm sure someone else will chime in with more info.

Edit: I didn't notice an additional amount of water/dirt getting through the louver to the engine.
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I had one on my last JKU. the install is a little scary. use the template, cut away, be slow around the supports of the hood... take your time. mark the holes. spray some rustoleum on the cuts and bolt on the louver. I took my hood off to do it. left the engine cover on. I was kinda concerned with water and such, but never had an issue. so I stopped worrying about it.
had a feeling that would be the way to go, keep the engine cover and bin the hood liner.
I'm looking forward to doing this install, thought of cutting up factory panels doesn't phase me, I had a great time drilling the holes to put my rocker guards on.
wife was a bit freaked out but ya get that. :cheesy:
thanks for the quick answers.
Good luck! It's actually an easy install. Scary at first but you'll relax after you drill the first hole. Just take your time and enjoy!
going to be using a drill and an oscillating multi-tool for the job, cuts great and no sparks to crack or pit the windscreen. ;) :cheesy: :rock:
going to be using a drill and an oscillating multi-tool for the job, cuts great and no sparks to crack or pit the windscreen. ;) :cheesy: :rock:

I recommend taking the hood off. Will make it easier to cut. I also masked off the entire hood to prevent metal shavings from getting on the paint and to prevent overspray while painting the exposed metal.

Btw make sure you don't cut through the support braces.
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I have done a few now for my friends and my own , its not to hard. I recommend using a grinder with a cut off disc So you don't cut threw the brace . just remove the liner and toss it also if you over tighten the bolts at the top you will have little dimples in the hood . good luck have fun !!
As mentioned above... I recommend removing the hood, no matter what you use to cut it, your back will thank you for it.

I used a cut-of wheel and took my time after doing the hole saw holes. I also taped off everything to protect the remaining paint. The on;y issue with my approach was there was a few spots where the metal got hot enough to blister the paint right next to the cut. It was a total PITA to remove the damaged paint and repaint.


For the padding/liner question... I am going to try to reinstall mine this winter to help hold some heat in. I have no idea if it will work, but that's what I'm trying :) For now I just removed it.
Jnabird333 - your cuts look great!

I used an air powered cutoff tool. I left the hood on the jeep but put a thick fender liner over the engine while cutting. The cuts weren't very clean at first so I went back over all of them with a deburring bit. If I was to do it over again I would have painted the top of the X brace black.
I removed the lining completely right after the louvers install. I had a lot of leftover dynamat after doing the interior of the jeep so I put it under the hood.
I have a 14 2D jk and they don't even come with the engine bay liner.
I'm thinking about doing this project myself! Might wait till spring. Expecting a harsh Canadian winter.

I kept the liner and just cut it to match. It looked cleaner to me. I don't know how much purpose it served but it's all just a matter of opinion.
Jnabird333 - your cuts look great!

I used an air powered cutoff tool. I left the hood on the jeep but put a thick fender liner over the engine while cutting. The cuts weren't very clean at first so I went back over all of them with a deburring bit. If I was to do it over again I would have painted the top of the X brace black.
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I removed the lining completely right after the louvers install. I had a lot of leftover dynamat after doing the interior of the jeep so I put it under the hood.

I like the Dynamat - BUT pretty expensive stuff - nice job
Yes, I've heard it is wonderful for the interior - and that's alot of Dynamat you've put in the interior - has it made a marked difference in noise?

I would say that it's a noticeable reduction in road noise and heat. The floor has dynamat extreme, then dynaliner, then the carpeting. The floor used to be hot to the touch and now it's cool.
I read in some article or post stating that the lining is actually designed for sound deadening for interior comfort, nothing to do with heat. Regardless, I pulled mine out a year before finally installing the hood louvre with no negative effects. Just rip it out.
Thanks heaps for the input Guys & Gals, the pics have been great too, also thanks Utiadam, I hadn't even thought about painting the top of the bracing. will be doing that for sure. :rock:
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