New member
Here is a quick summary of my recent (last Monday, my day off) install of Poison Spyder's Hood Lover thingy.
I ordered the Hood Louver raw because I knew I wanted to have a local Body Shop paint it to match the Jeep's color.
$100 to have it color match painted - not bad I guess, I expected more $$.
I followed the instructions which are well written.
A great suggestion from the instructions: remove the hood and bring inside to work on - I can't imagine trying this mod while the hood is attached to the Jeep.
Tape the template to the hood using Sharpies inserted into the Windshield rubber holes on the hood.

Next I used a punch to mark all of the 1" holes that have to be drilled - hurts to make that first punch but then I had cut the hood for a Snorkel a few months before anyways.

Next, use the sharpies to connect the dots and prepare for cutting. I used a 4" hand tool cut-off saw, took a good chunk out of my hand as well when I wasn't watching well.

De-burr all the cuts and use touch-up paint to get every cut covered - this takes quite a while with just a little touch-up paint thing from the Dealer.
The instructions don't say to remove the glue from the X-brace but I did so that it wouldn't show under the louvers, just used a spackle knife.

Next, attach the hood louver system (using the Windshield rubber holes again as a guide) and drill the four corner holes, bolt them down. Use the Hood Louver as a template for the remaining hole around the plate, don't use the paper template.
Remove Hood Louver plate and paint every hole in the hood again, just to make sure, I didn't touch up the aluminum Hood Louver Plate cause it's not needed I thought.
Attach the plate for the last time - BUT - BTW - instead of using a 3/4" hole saw underneath the hood to open up ther hood to bolt the blind bolts down with, I just went to OSH and bought longer (2" stainless) bolts - much easier and less messy under the hood.

Easy enough!
Let me know if you have any questions - obviously this isn't an in-depth install thread but as I said the instructions are pretty good.
I ordered the Hood Louver raw because I knew I wanted to have a local Body Shop paint it to match the Jeep's color.
$100 to have it color match painted - not bad I guess, I expected more $$.
I followed the instructions which are well written.
A great suggestion from the instructions: remove the hood and bring inside to work on - I can't imagine trying this mod while the hood is attached to the Jeep.
Tape the template to the hood using Sharpies inserted into the Windshield rubber holes on the hood.

Next I used a punch to mark all of the 1" holes that have to be drilled - hurts to make that first punch but then I had cut the hood for a Snorkel a few months before anyways.

Next, use the sharpies to connect the dots and prepare for cutting. I used a 4" hand tool cut-off saw, took a good chunk out of my hand as well when I wasn't watching well.

De-burr all the cuts and use touch-up paint to get every cut covered - this takes quite a while with just a little touch-up paint thing from the Dealer.
The instructions don't say to remove the glue from the X-brace but I did so that it wouldn't show under the louvers, just used a spackle knife.

Next, attach the hood louver system (using the Windshield rubber holes again as a guide) and drill the four corner holes, bolt them down. Use the Hood Louver as a template for the remaining hole around the plate, don't use the paper template.
Remove Hood Louver plate and paint every hole in the hood again, just to make sure, I didn't touch up the aluminum Hood Louver Plate cause it's not needed I thought.
Attach the plate for the last time - BUT - BTW - instead of using a 3/4" hole saw underneath the hood to open up ther hood to bolt the blind bolts down with, I just went to OSH and bought longer (2" stainless) bolts - much easier and less messy under the hood.

Easy enough!
Let me know if you have any questions - obviously this isn't an in-depth install thread but as I said the instructions are pretty good.