Also, sometimes they are required to fit non-stock drivetrains such as with an atlas transfer case or similar setup.. That's the only time I would ever consider one..
05 Tj, long arm, one ton, lockers, winches, 39.5" Iroks
An advantage to having a small body lift here in the Mid West is it makes hosing the mud out of things under the body a little easier.
Hell no, mud gets in regardless.... I think this is the only acceptable pro listed....:crazyeyes:But.... If there wasn't a gap in the fender well, then the mud wouldn't get in there right?? Idk??
05 Tj, long arm, one ton, lockers, winches, 39.5" Iroks
Hell no, mud gets in regardless.... I think this is the only acceptable pro listed....:crazyeyes:
I'll buy that!! Never had one so I don't know for sure... I've just heard that your engine gets nasty muddy with the gap in the flare.
05 Tj, long arm, one ton, lockers, winches, 39.5" Iroks