ProRock 60 Parking brake adjustment - has anyone adjusted ?


So While Im waiting around on my 3rd set of lug nuts to finally drive my jeep - I feel I need to adjust my parking brake - I backed down my driveway and wanted to test the parking break - tried several times but the parking brake would not hold the jeep - The rear brakes have a small black plug on the back of the rotor backing - top side on drivers side and its on the bottom passenger side. The plugs themselves are very hard to remove, behind the plug is a gold spindle that is positioned up/down. The drivers side is darn near impossible to get to due to the upper control arm bracket - Has anyone adjusted there parking brake yet?
Also - yes I have the adapter in place and routed correctly.
Called Dynatrac and was told only way to adjust is by removing black plug or by removing rotor.

You guys have any input ?
You should be able to find this info on the web, but basically you can buy a brake adjustment tool or use a wide screwdriver. If you turn the star wheel in one direction, it will lengthen while turning, and if turning in the other direction will make it shorter. With parking brake off, you want to lengthen it until you can hear/feel a slight drag when you rotate the wheel by hand. This can all be done without removing the tire/wheel.
Question /recommendation was more centered around how others accessed the drivers side rear wheel and if they used a brake adjustment tool ? Its an extremely tight area and as I stated just taking off the black rubber plug was a task in itself .... Have not seen it mentioned anywhere about adjusting - maybe others didn't need adjusting but mine sure does.
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