Angry Aussie
New member
Can I run a pro cal along with the bully dog tuner? Or would two different tuners cause problems? I have the bully dog tuner in now and got the procal for Christmas present, I just wanna make sure before I do anything.
I bought a 2012 JKUR it had the procal used on it, in it. I did nothing with it still have the box etc never touched it. I just bought and used the Bully Dog GT tuner for jeeps. Downloaded the tuner used all the functions etc not a problem. Not sure what I will do with the Procal now. The tuner downloaded, installed with no problems. Leaving whatever the Procal previously had settings in Jeep. I believe the same the Procal dossn't get into Jeep programming deep enough.
As far as the pro-cal goes I know nothing, but the Bullydog tuner for jeep will reprogram your computer so "stacking" the two will not work ,One would cancel the other out. I have been wanting the Bullydog but noticed if I want to unlock the swaybar or lockers I have to do so from the head unit... I have been told that with the Aev you can still use the factory buttons. Any truth to this ? that will be the deciding factor for me.