Pressurized Onboard Water Source


Caught the Bug
I saw this on YouTube today and thought it was too cool not to share. Perfect for the overlanding crowd or just anyone needing to rinse off muddy gear after the trail.

If anyone gets inspired to try something like this, I'm sure there'd be quite a crowd interested in a write up.
I would put a fill plug that could hold pressure and use the on board air to pressurize the bumper for water pressure. Then when you don't want water with you just use the bumper as an air tank.
I would put a fill plug that could hold pressure and use the on board air to pressurize the bumper for water pressure. Then when you don't want water with you just use the bumper as an air tank.

I assume you're thinking of a substitute air tank to use for air tools or the like? I'd imagine the weak point in that design would be where the air port taps the bumper. The ~40psi this guy was using to pressurize the "tank" for water pressure is a lot lower than the ~150psi you'd want for air purposes. I suppose if you're motivated, you could probably find a solution though! :thumb:
Wow is this a new idea? Never seen this, looks like a true Overlander's "must have" how about it OverlanderJK?
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