Posting Pics


New member
Couldnt find where to place this question so I thought the 411 section was the closest.

I was wondering what I am doing wrong when I upload a pic on here that it is tiny or an attatchment line. I see others posting them and they are full size in the window and you dont have to click on them to enlarge. I am usually computer savy, and this has me feeling dumb! :doh:
Couldnt find where to place this question so I thought the 411 section was the closest.

I was wondering what I am doing wrong when I upload a pic on here that it is tiny or an attatchment line. I see others posting them and they are full size in the window and you dont have to click on them to enlarge. I am usually computer savy, and this has me feeling dumb! :doh:

Well, a lot of people use a photo hosting site like photobucket as opposed to uploading attachments and then just post a link to their pic. We do this often since we use our project-jk gallery to host most of our pics -

Regarding the forum attachments.....I have just made a change to the forum settings so that attachments will now show up full size instead of the thumbnails. :) So now when you add an attachment it will be big. :yup: And if you don't want the attachment box around your pic, make sure you select "insert inline" when uploading.

This is an example of an attachment inserted inline

This is a link to a pic hosted on our gallery

This is an attachment


  • image-2226088151.jpg
    75.2 KB · Views: 326
How do you post more than 5 photos per post? When I did my write-up this was the biggest obstacle for me. Please let me know for the future?
10frank9 said:
How do you post more than 5 photos per post? When I did my write-up this was the biggest obstacle for me. Please let me know for the future?

You can use photobucket and post about 10 I think. But I'm not sure if you can use it with a phone, probably not.
I use dropbox for easy photo hosting among other things, it is free and can be found here Dropbox

I save my photos on my local computer in the public dropbox folder, right click the photo and select "Copy public link" which you can then paste the dropbox link into your posts.

Here's another picture posting question: When linking to a picture elsewhere on the interwebs, I am offered an option to "store and reference locally." Should I do that or just link to the pic. I know some message boards prefer to store locally, since referencing elsewhere eats up bandwidth, but then that also takes space on a local server.

Admin: What is your preference?
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