PLEASE - DO NOT Post Up GPS Coordinates or Trail Directions on WAYALIFE


Staff member
I know it may sound like a crazy concept to some but back in the day, in order to find places to explore, you needed to read history books and pour over paper maps to look for trails and possible routes. For harder trails, you could only learn about and wheel them by getting to know people, becoming friends with them and having them take you there. For my purposes, I have been fortunate enough to have wheeled and explored the deserts and mountains of the west for almost 40 years, first with my dad and now with my family. And, I'm sad to say that some here may never know just how pristine and beautiful it used to be out there. It was almost magical the way you could go to places that were seldom seen by others and be transported to a time over 100 years ago... over 1,000 years ago or more. It almost kills me to think about how many of these places have since been shot up, vandalized, trashed and burned down just in the last 5-10 years. What changed things you might ask? In my opinion, the internet. The internet has just made it way too easy for people to share information with total strangers who may or may not share in their enthusiasm to preserve and protect our public lands and unfortunately, there's no stopping the internet and all the yahoos who use it.

While I would encourage everyone to share photos and stories about all the great places you've wheeled and explored here on WAYALIFE, I would be grateful if you could please refrain from posting up GPS coordinates, directions to trails and/or off-road destinations or even to websites that contain them. I have no illusions that I can stop the idiots from destroying our trails and all the amazing places they can take you to but I have no desires to allow WAYALIFE to assist in their efforts.

Thank you.

Click on the link below to see before and after shots of some of the amazing places that once existed out in the Mojave Desert and have since been lost to history forever.
I can relate to this. There is some pretty nice trails in my neck of the woods that only me an some faimly members know about. Just cause our land is right against it.
I've had countless kids ask me where trails were at, I never tell them. Lot of people don't take the "tread lightly" to well around here. First thing they want to do is get in there with their trucks an just dig ruts an create mud holes. Not to mention a lot of kids just throw their trash where ever.
The government is already taking away a lot of our land to explore, those yahoos just gives them all the more reason to close down trails :grayno:
I have learned that half the fun is going out and exploring rather than setting and going to a specific waypoint, i understand why some may not want to get lost but thats no reason to open up a lot of nice places that are lightly traveled to the masses and allow it to be turned to shit
Nice thread!! Years ago when I was stationed out at Fort Irwin, CA my family and I would explore the Mohave Desert every weekend. I was out there last winter and did a little bit of exploring. Things have changed for the worse.
Thanks guys, I appreciate your understanding and support.

While I have no doubts that people who eagerly post up GPS coordinates or information on how to get to trails do so because they "just want to help", but what they seem to forget is that there's no vetting process as to who gets access to that information.
Next your going to tell us we shouldn't show up to visit online celebrities unannounced. What gives. [emoji23][emoji23]

Great thread, the fact it needs to be said is sad however. It's also sad places are getting trashed. Need to get the family out to see more of them soon. [emoji106]
Click on the link below to see a thread I started back in 2013. In it, you'll get to see before and after shots of some of the amazing places that once existed out in the Mojave Desert and have since been lost to history forever.

This is a hard thread. Its just so terrible to see beautiful places deliberately destroyed by people... along with those boy scout fucks knocking down natural formations in Utah... I just can not relate :mad: :banghead::furious3::tantrum:
I absolutely agree. Its amazing how many places used to be open but are now closed thanks to a few fucks screwing it up.
Again, I appreciate your understanding and support. It's so frustrating to see so many people eagerly posting up GPS coordinates or worse, start websites dedicated to the sharing of trails and with detailed information on how to find them. I mean, it'd be one thing if they were just posting up iconic well known trails like the Rubicon, anything in Moab or even off-road parks back east but more and more, I'm seeing these people and sites posting up historical and geological destinations that up until recently, had been hidden gems. Yeah, I know, they're just enthusiastic and "just trying to help" fellow off-roaders but from what I have seen over the years, the places that can be found on the internet are ALL getting shot up, vandalized, burned down or destroyed. ALL the ones that are posted about but have NO real information as to where they're at or how to get to them, are ALL still in amazing condition. It is because of this that Cindy and I make a specific point to not post up any information about a lot of the destinations we know about. And, of the ones that are a bit more well known but are still hard to find information on how to get to them on the internet, we make sure to keep it that way when we do post up about them. This link is an example of one such place.

I am sad to say that a lot of these places, we NEVER take people to unless they are CLOSE PERSONAL friends of ours. It's the only way to make sure that these places aren't posted about on the internet.
I agree 100% with this post. I am very selective with who i bring to the trails. I have broke contact with some who have showed less then what i expect for trail respect.

its extremely tough to repair the damage these asshats do to the community.the reputation of the off road community are always trying to repair the damage presented by these few. unfortunately no one sees the positive side of what we do, as if done right there is no footprint when we leave the trail(or cleaner). its easier to point the finger at the damage rather the fact that the majority of us try to leave it in better shape then when we leave.
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