Picking up my first jeep Friday!!! What do I need?

congrats! welcome to the Jeep family, don't forget to wave, have fun!, try out every function of your Jeep before you start making any changes.

If you have a wife and kids, let them know their college and inheritance will be delayed lol
I agree with jeeep you'll be surprised at A. Just how capable a stock jeep is B. how little a lift you may need and C. How big your going to want to go cuz you'll be addicted! :)

Sent from my iPhone on the west coast of florida
Welcome to the WAYALIFE. First thing you will need is an understanding wife who will support you addiction to adding mods to the Jeep. Second is patience and not trying to do all the mods at one time. Third refer to the first and second items. When in doubt punt.

First thing u need to do is


Then u will be good :D

Sent from my DROID RAZR using WAYALIFE mobile app
A rather large savings account. Maybe refinance your home and in some extreme cases, sell your kids.

Oh and get a dog :yup:
ah!! well that's a great age...don't listen to your friends on what you need to change on your Jeep unless they're willing to pay for it!
Drive it and use it off-road enough to understand it's capabilities and limits.
have fun!
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Unless your climbing huge rocks your jeep can take you pretty much everywhere in it's stock form. Just be careful, your friends with pickups might get jealous you can go places they could never hope to.
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